he Spanish dominion of Bourbons went on up to 1860. The ideas of the Risorgimento and the feelings of liberty and national unity had set on fire for some time by now also many Sicilian minds and hearts. Quite a lot of patriots had to run away from Taormina for the bourbon repression, leaded by a certain Giuseppe Maniscalco. In the Christmas night in 1856 a lot of conspirators were arrested by the police at the Rosa Calatabiano's House. The court of Messina condemned to 18 years of prison Luigi Pellegrino, to 16 years Vincenzo Vadala', to 14 years Carmelo Barca, to 2 years the abbot Don Salvatore Cacciola and other men. We have to remember also Don Agostino da Taormina, enlightened patriot. When, in spring 1860, Garibaldi disembarked at Marsala to free Sicily, many patriots fought with him to send away forever the Bourbons.
A committee leaded by the captain Luciano Crisafulli was formed at Taormina.
This skilled strategist succeeded in avoiding the fight, which could have been very bloody, with the bourbon contingent in retreat leaded by the general Clary.
The Garibaldians arrived in Taormina the 3rd of August 1860, leaded by Nino Bixio, who slept at the baron Giovanni Platania's house.
In autumn 1860, Sicily was annexed to Piedmont and, then, to the Italian Kingdom.
Taormina stopped being the centre of the Sicilian political and military circumstances.